Holistic & Naturopathic Services
The various systems within our body are intricately connected. When one’s system is out of balance, others may follow suit, creating a cascade of seemingly non-related symptoms and health or mood-related issues. DLW uncovers the root cause of your symptoms and addresses the specific systems from the inside out to heal the body from within.
DLW works with a vast array of hormones, ranging from sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and thyroid health (hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s, Graves). Insulin management is a big focus for us as we work with blood sugar management, PCOS, weight loss, and diabetes. Last but not least, we take mental health very seriously and strive to bring your cortisol and neurotransmitters back to homeostasis.
Through a thorough investigation of hormonal functioning and detoxification pathways, our practitioners are able to successfully help you navigate the oftentimes daunting transition off of hormonal birth control by setting you up for success in avoiding the most common side effects like acne, exacerbating androgenic effects and potential weight gain.
Gastro issues comprise over half of our patient population, with the most common conditions being SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and IBD (irritable bowel diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis, Cronhs, Celiac). In regards to dietary-specific GI conditions, DLW is well-versed in eradicating Candida, eliminating Food Sensitivities, and healing Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Team DLW takes a comprehensive approach to assessing and addressing fertility naturopathically, looking at health conditions and lifestyle factors that could impact your ability to conceive as well as post-natal care.
Women’s reproductive health is affected by many factors, like hormonal imbalance, detoxification issues, inflammation, gastrointestinal issues, environmental toxins, and stress. These imbalances can lead to conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), Fibroids, Endometriosis, PMS, PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), as well as issues with peri-menopause. Our practitioners are experts at harnessing hormones and balancing fluctuations.
Our complexion and overall dermatological health are visual indicators of what is going on internally. Conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis are addressed and corrected by taking a holistic inventory of your internal hormonal balance, the functionality of your digestive system, and your inflammatory levels.
The practitioners at DLW are trained to get to the root cause of pain and come up with a personalized mind-body-spirit pain management plan that may involve lifestyle changes and alternative relief options, such as acupuncture, cupping, and herbal supplementation as well as dietary changes to decrease overall inflammation.
Stress is unavoidably everywhere, and when unchecked can evolve into burnout, brain fog, anxiety, depression, migraines, and erratic sleep issues. Therefore balancing our cortisol response (known as our stress hormone) and optimizing our neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, GABA) is of utmost importance to allow for proper mood stabilization, quality of life, and stable sleep schedules.