Stress & Mental Health

A Holistic Approach to Stress & Mental Health

Mental health issues are complex and multifaceted, with infinite causes, symptoms, and outcomes.

At Dr. Lana Wellness, we help supplement traditional mental health treatments by utilizing modalities such as naturopathic medicine, nutritional interventions, and acupuncture treatments, helping to address mental health conditions and challenges.

Shop Dr. Lana’s Bye Bye Brain Fog Supplement Bundle!

Mental Health Conditions Dr. Lana & the DLW Team Specialize In


Anxiety may present itself as a feeling of worry, the anticipation of danger, fear, and distress, and even an overwhelming sensation of internal discomfort. You may experience chronic low-grade anxiety or perhaps intense busts of dissociative stress to debilitating panic attacks.

Your hormones, gut, and nervous system work together to conjure your symptoms, all of which Dr. Lana and her team pay special attention to. They work to help balance your hormones and neurotransmitters and better regulate your sympathetic response to help bring your body into balance utilizing nutrition, supplements, botanicals, and acupuncture.


Depression is a mood disorder that may be characterized by feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, anger, insomnia, decreased interest in life and pleasurable activities, fatigue, restlessness, an inability to concentrate, and a complete lack of motivation or drive.

Although depressive symptoms may manifest as a combination and accumulation of biological, psychological, and endocrinological reasons, your specific symptoms may interfere with your ability to socialize, show up at work and enjoy life.

Team DLW’s comprehensive approach focuses on whole-body and mind healing with specific herbs and botanicals, nutritional guidance, lifestyle modifications, and acupuncture.


The body requires rest to recover, repair, digest, absorb, and properly assimilate those much-needed nutrients from our diet.

When our nervous system is unregulated, stress is running high; pain is present, and our bodies are not granted that required rest and downtime, causing issues to arise.

There is no denying that lack of sleep, or poor quality sleep, truly does permeate all aspects of our lives, and the great news is that you can regulate your sleep naturally with a proper diet, supplementation, and regularly scheduled acupuncture sessions. 


Trauma is finally getting its due respect in the medical community, and DLW provides incredibly focused acupuncture sessions specifically for unresolved trauma, the deleterious effects of a mismanaged nervous system, and heightened stress response.

We strongly recommend beginning your naturopathic or nutritional journey in conjunction with acupuncture. Adding cupping to an acupuncture session can also bring much relief and healing.


Over the past few years and with the uptick in wellness since COVID, people are recognizing and coming to grips with the pervasive stress that these performance-enhancing focus-based pharmaceuticals are doing to the adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, and production of other neurotransmitters.

There are various ways to boost your cerebrovascular circulation and overall brain health with adaptogens, nootropics, mushrooms, and other nutrients and herbs. Additionally, with a whole foods diet, you can begin to optimize brain health and improve your attention span.

Specific acupuncture treatments focused on directing your Qi accordingly, along with the strategic placement of ear seeds to utilize between sessions, can offer additional support and focus.

Brain Fog/ Burnout

Although brain fog is not a conventionally recognized medical condition, at DLW, we firmly believe in the delicate balance between the sympathetic nervous system  (flight or flight, freeze or fawn) and the parasympathetic (rest + digest, sex + sleep) nervous system.

Existing day by day in a continual sympathetic overdrive is a surefire way to burn the candle at both ends and wind up in a state of burnout quicker and deeper than you could have ever imagined.

If you have noticed that your cognition is off, your word/name recall is slower than desired, and your attention to detail has diminished, you may just be in sympathetic overdrive, headed straight for burnout. At DLW, we are here to put a stop to the pattern and help you get back on track and feel your best.