Nutrition Consulting
Team DLW recognizes that every individual is different and as a result, nutritional needs vary from person to person. If you are overwhelmed by the nutritional advice you’ve come across, quit the googling and book a call with us. We aim to provide guidance that is patient/client-focused and curated to your personal needs, conditions, preferences and goals.
Food Sensitivity Analysis
Are you frustrated by aggravating and uncomfortable digestive issues, breakouts, and mood changes you know happen after eating but cannot focus on specifics? Stop your guessing and get the answers with a food sensitivity analysis. In addition to your results, we will provide a corresponding highly-curated elimination diet and nutritional guidance to coincide with your gut healing protocol.
Gut Health
GI cases account for over half of our patient base. The most common digestive conditions we see are IBS (irritable bowel syndromes), Candida (yeast overgrowth), SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), and of course, IBD (irritable dowel diseases like Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, Celiac). Through analysis of various functional labs, our practitioners will curate specific dietary guidelines to heal the gut, balance the microbiome and ensure nutrient absorption.
Hormone Balancing
The digestive system runs the show, hands down. When our gut health is off, various symptoms are sure to arise in other seemingly unrelated systems, from sex hormones and thyroid function to insulin sensitivity and the production, secretion, and balance of neurotransmitters throughout our nervous system. Balancing our microbiome is key to bringing the body back into hormonal homeostasis.
Women’s Health
Nutrition is key in regulating the proper functioning of our reproductive organs. Syncing your dietary patterns to the corresponding phase of your cycle has immense benefits in relieving symptoms of PMS, fibroids, and cysts. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is one of the number one. Last but not least, what you eat is paramount during a Candida cleanse and keeping yeast and recurrences at bay. Additionally, nutrition can also help ease the oftentimes daunting transition into menopause as well.
Fertility and Prenatal
Nutrition is key in regards to prepping the body for the baby as well as being paramount for proper embryonic development. Team DLW takes a comprehensive approach to assessing and addressing fertility naturopathically, looking at health conditions and lifestyle factors that could impact your ability to conceive.