Holistic Healthy Living Blog

Dr. Lana breaks down common health issues, outlines tips and tricks for healthy living, and answers the most frequently asked questions about natural living, wellness, naturopathic medicine, and more.

Lana Butner Lana Butner

Hacking The Holidays Part 2: Keep Your Digestion In Check

It’s the final week of our Hack the Holiday series, and we are just days away from heading into the new year! With the Holidays behind us, now is a great time to start thinking about kicking off the new year with a healthy gut and strong immune system.

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Lana Butner Lana Butner

Causes of Brain Fog & How to Deal With Them

Brain fog is not a medical or scientific term. It's a term used for specific symptoms that can affect cognitive abilities. The symptoms are usually linked to ​an underlying condition or enervating lifestyle habit. While there is no one contributing factor, it is important to understand which symptoms might be affecting you.

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Lana Butner Lana Butner

Chlorophyll: What is it and why do we need it?

Chlorophyll is trending right now and can be found all over the place with claims of superfood health benefits. So what exactly IS chlorophyll and why do we need it in our lives? Here we break down all the health benefits of adding this powerful plant compound into your daily life and routine.

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Lana Butner Lana Butner

Biohack Your Way to Happiness: Cycle Syncing

Do you ever feel drained, trying to maintain the same level of output and keep to an identical schedule across weeks with fluctuating levels of energy? What if there was a way to live that honors the tides of your body and mind?

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Lana Butner Lana Butner

How to Build a Nutrient-Dense Smoothie

Some people have a knack for throwing together smoothies that are delicious, nutritionally balanced and beautiful to boot. Others... not so much. So this post is for you guys!

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