Hacking The Holidays Part 1: Stay Mindful, Stay Present

The holidays can be a busy, restless, and stressful time for many reasons. You may be finishing up some last-minute shopping, worrying about family dynamics, or making a final effort to complete your grocery list, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t stay present while doing so. 

Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, decrease ruminating thoughts, enhance emotional tolerance, as well as improve sleep quality. All of these are key in helping us stay present, grateful, and mentally strong. Read below for our top tips to help you stay present during this busy season:

Find peace in organization 

  • Just like you use your calendar to schedule appointments and events, create to-do lists to stay organized and focused on what you need to accomplish that day. Writing down what you need to accomplish each day is a great way to stay mentally clear and focused. 

  • Additionally, focus on one task at a time. When we try to do too many things at once, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Putting our focus on one thing at a time will help you to stay calm and clear-headed.

Take mental pauses 

  • This is an important one! When organizing your day, carve out moments of peace and quiet. This may seem challenging with a busy schedule but aim to get in at least five minutes a day of simply doing nothing but collecting yourself and your thoughts. 

  • Even better, try to get in a 5–10-minute meditation each day! Remember that meditation does not have to be thought of in the traditional sense. It can look different for everyone and may just mean 5 minutes of deep breathing and clearing mental space for yourself - no matter where you are.

  • If that means setting your alarm clock a few minutes earlier to get some peace and quiet, you won’t regret taking this time for yourself before your day begins.

  • Remember that in order to show up as your best self, you need to take care of yourself!

Minimize screen time 

  • The Holidays are a popular time for people to showcase the festive things they are doing with friends and family - and while this is a fun way to celebrate, it can also feel a bit overwhelming. Try to minimize your social media time and instead focus on the present - who you are with and what you are doing - instead of how everyone else is spending their time. 

  • Challenge yourself to shut down social media apps at least one hour before bedtime - this will also improve your sleep! 

Be open-minded to helpful supplements 

  • L-theanine – this is an all-natural “fast-acting” anti-anxiety supplement

  • Ashwagandha – calms and balances the nervous system

  • Rhodiola – a personal favorite of Dr. Lana’s, who deems this the “Herbal Adderall” 

    • Only take this Monday-Friday or when there is a specific project or deadline to complete!

Keep your body moving! 

As we discussed in Week 2, staying active is so important for our mental and physical health. Again, we strongly recommend keeping it a top priority. Not only does exercise promote mental clarity and improved focus, but it will also give you more energy to accomplish your to-do list!

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Hacking The Holidays Part 2: Keep Your Digestion In Check


Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency